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5 Ways Singaporeans Can Avoid Overspending On Health Insurance

Too much of a good thing can sometimes become a bad thing.

With an estimated 20,000 to 30,000 financial planning practitioners in Singapore, it is common for Singaporeans to find themselves being approached by multiple agents hoping to sell them health insurance products.

Note that this process usually starts right after you land your first job. You find yourself surrounded by peers discussing financial matters, and of course some of your friends have chosen to pursue a career in the insurance industry as financial planners.

While health insurance is an important component of successful financial planning, it is possible that people may find themselves overspending on it, particularly if they fall into the trap of wanting to cover themselves for just about everything under the sun.

Watch here to find out how to go about preventing yourself from overspending on health insurance.

Read more: 5 Ways Singaporeans Can Avoid Overspending On Health Insurance

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