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4 Important Health Insurance Plans Every Singaporeans Should Know About

We take a look at what different types of insurance products exist in the market and narrow it down to what an average person will very likely need to be considering regardless of his or her situation.

Many people don’t spend enough time understanding the different types of insurance products because they think it is too complicated. That is not true. Here is a basic introduction, for those who are keen to take their first step.

Types Of Insurance:

Insurance Types Examples
1. Health Insurance Hospitalisation & Surgery (H&S)

Critical Illness

Disability Income

2. Life Insurance Term Policies

Whole Life Policies

3. General Insurance Home Insurance

Travel Insurance

Auto Insurance


As you can see, there are basically only 3 broad categories of insurance products. Of course within each category, there are more products for considerations. Watch this video to learn more about the 4 important health insurance plans before you make any purchasing decisions. .


Read more: The Variety Of Insurance Products And Why They Are Important

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