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Singapore Drivers Beware: Overview Of Traffic And Parking Fines You Can Receive

In case you need a reminder that Singapore is a fine city.

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Car owners in Singapore are already paying one of the highest amounts of money for the right to own and operate a car in Singapore.

One way that this amount can be even higher is if you get fined by one of the many entities empowered to enforce the law on the roads, such as the Traffic Police, Land Transport Authority, Urban Redevelopment Authority, Housing Development Board, or one of the private companies that manage parking spaces on behalf of the authorities.

Here’s an overview of the various types of fines that Singapore drivers can receive and links to resources to help you better understand and avoid infringing on those rules. With hefty deterrent fines, it truly doesn’t pay to get caught breaking one of these rules.

Read Also: (2018 Edition) Cost Of Owning A Car In Singapore Over 10 Years

Traffic Police Fines In Singapore

In addition to issuing fines for regular traffic offences, the Traffic Police also handle serious traffic offences that can result in the driver being charged in court and potentially be imprisoned or made to pay fines in excess of thousands of dollars.

Some of the offenses are speeding, reckless driving, and – a common one seen on roads – the use of your mobile phone while driving (Charged in court, up to $1,000 or imprisonment for up to 6 months or both).

Alongside the LTA, the Traffic Police can give you demerit points, which can result in temporary suspension from driving or even revocation of your license.

You can use the Electronic Driver Data Information & Enquiry System (EDDIES) to check if you have any outstanding summonses issued by the Traffic Police.

Land Transport Authority Fines In Singapore

There is a driver education section on LTA’s OneMotoring website that lists down and explains the various traffic offences and fines under LTA’s jurisdiction.

Some common offences that LTA actively enforces are driving in bus lanes during restricted hours, ERP violations, as well as road tax, registration, and off-peak car violations.

To check on outstanding and past LTA-issued fines, you can use  LTA’s online enquiry tool. You may wish to submit an appeal if you think you have valid grounds for LTA to reverse your fine. If everything is in order, you can go ahead and pay your fine to LTA online.

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Housing Development Board Parking Fines

Given that more than 80% of Singaporeans live in HDB flats, there are plenty of carparks and HDB common areas that fall under HDB’s jurisdiction and management. Most of HDB’s fines for drivers have to do with improper parking in HDB carparks.

Some of the more expensive HDB fines for drivers include Repairing/ allowing repairs to a motor vehicle in a parking place($80), Unauthorised parking in reserved parking lot or parking without displaying an authorised label ($200) and Displaying any authorisation that has been altered or erased or contain any other irregularity therein indicating that it has been tampered with ($300).

Here is the full list of HDB parking offences and their respective fines. You can look-up and pay your outstanding HDB parking fines using the HDB Parking Fines e-Payment portal.

If you believe that you have mitigating factors or believe that you were issued with a fine by HDB by mistake, you can appeal the fine using their online appeal e-Service.

Read Also: HDB Ownership Debate: 4 Differences Between Owning A HDB And A Private Property

Urban Redevelopment Authority Fines In Singapore

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has responsibility for enforcing proper parking in public carparks around the island.

The two main types of fines URA issues are either coupon-related or deal with proper parking. Some of the most expensive being Displaying a coupon that has any alteration, erasure or other irregularity – indicating it has been tampered with (up to $400) and Unauthorised parking in a reserved lot (e.g. a handicapped lot) (up to $200), and Failing to produce any coupon displayed on a parked vehicle for inspection and/or retention by the Superintendent or any authorised personnel can result in the driver getting charged in court.

You can check if you have any outstanding fines issued by URA using their online e-Service portal. If you wish to make an appeal, you can do so using the URA appeal web service.

Good Drivers Should Be Rewarded

The myriad of fines listed above are an important way to enforce good driving behaviour for the good of other drivers and pedestrians.

Vouch is a Singapore InsurTech company that wants to incentivise good driving habits and reward safe drivers with their innovative No-Claim Rebate programme for motor insurance.

The idea is simple: You purchase the motor insurance of your choice from one of the participating insurers (like NTUC Income, Sompo, and Tokio Marine) and if you do not make a claim in a the year, Vouch gives you cashback of up to 15% of your insurance premiums.

You can read our article we wrote previously explaining in detail how Vouch’s No-Claim Rebate works.

If you’re a responsible driver, you can now be rewarded for your making our roads safe when you renew your car insurance policy through Vouch. You can open an account and find out more about Vouch today.

Read Also: 5 Things To Know About Vouch No Claim Rebate (NCR) For Drivers

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