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[Young Working Adults Guide] Applying For Your First Credit Card: Here Are All The Documents You Will Need

Here’s everything you need to apply for your first credit card and enter the world of rewards and perks. Use it responsibly!

Applying for your first credit card is something to be proud of. It represents your entrance into the workforce, a big step towards being financially independent and also a sign of you taking charge of your expenses. Before your

After you have spent the hours pondering and comparing over which credit card(s) to apply for, you will realize that the actual application can hardly be done with just a click of the button. Here are all the documents you will need (so that you can prepare them all beforehand) to submit your credit card application.

Read Also: 11 Things Working Adults In Singapore Should Know Before Applying For Their First Credit Card 

#1 Photo ID


1) A photocopy of your NRIC (both front and back).


1) A copy of valid passport

2) A copy of your Employment Pass (EP) – both front and back with minimum 6 months validity

3) A copy of your In-Principal Approval (IPA) if EP has less than 6 months validity

4) Proof of Residence: Utility bill, telephone bill or bank statement reflecting your residential address

#2 Verification of Income

This can come in various forms (you only need to provide one of these options)

Payslip: Latest 3 months computerised payslips

CPF Contribution History: Latest 3 months (minimum) CPF Contribution History Statement

Income Tax Notice of Assessment (NOA)and latest computerized payslip (mostly for commission-based employees)

Read Also: 6 Ways To (Legally) Reduce Your Income Tax For YA 2019

There are bound to be non-typical scenarios that result in you being unable to provide the standard verification of income. What can you do in these situations? Here are a few scenarios:

You just changed your job:

Now that you are working for a different company, your past 3 months’ payslips or your CPF Contribution History from your previous company will not work as proof of income. You will need to provide a certified company letter from your new company.

This company letter should include your:

  • Name
  • Date
  • NRIC
  • Designation
  • Salary/annual income
  • Signature from HR/Management with designation
  • Company stamp

Read Also: Here’s Why You Need To Prepare For Your Next Job While You’re In Your Current One

You are self-employed:

You will need to provide your last 2 years’ Income Tax Notice of Assessment (NOA).

Read Also: Financial Planning Is Tough For The Self-Employed. Here’s What I Did After Becoming An Entrepreneur

You just got a promotion:

Congratulations, you just got a promotion and a pay raise! Now you want to apply for a new credit card with a higher minimum income requirement (that you were not able to meet previously), but your payslips and CPF Contribution still reflect your previous salary.

Similar to someone that has just changed their job, you would need to submit your company letter that clearly states your employment as well as your new salary.

Here are the credit cards that you can apply for now to get the promotional cash and benefits.

Ready To Sign-Up For Your Dream Air Miles Credit Card?

If you’re applying for , you’ll receive exclusive cash and vouchers from SingSaver, on top of any perks given by individual banks. Some of the cards eligible for the promotion are:

[SingSaver Exclusive]: $150 Cash for new and existing customers, 26,600 bonus miles if you spend $3,000 within the first three months, and another $3,000 between 4th month and 6th month.

[SingSaver Exclusive]: $150 Cash for new and existing customers. 49,900 bonus miles if you spend $6,000 within the first three months, and another $6,000 between 4th month and 6th month, and pay the annual fee of $337.05

[SingSaver Exclusive]: $200 vouchers Cash for new Citi customers. $30 for existing customers. 30,000 bonus miles if you spend $7,500 within the first three months and pay the annual fee of $192.60.

[SingSaver Exclusive]: $50 Cash for new and existing customers.

by 31 January 2019 to enjoy these promotional rewards. Terms and conditions apply. SingSaver is an affiliate partner of DollarsAndSense.

Read Also: Why All Singaporeans (Even Cashback Lovers) Should Apply For At Least One Air Miles Card

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