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Are Flower Bouquets Ever Worth It?

Love transcends all, even if the logic is impractical.

If you think about it, flower bouquets are the go-to items for many more occasions than we might realise. For instance, we get roses for our partner during Valentine’s Day to show our love, carnations for our mom on Mother’s Day to show our appreciation and sunflowers to congratulate a friend after their dance performance.

For many of us, a walk to the florist or a few clicks online allows us to conveniently express our heartfelt appreciation, but at hefty price tag. Let’s  consider whether they are really worth the money you’re paying.

Why Are Flower Bouquets So Expensive, Anyway?

All Bouquets Are Handmade

Unlike other products that can be mass-produced by machines, bouquets cost more because of the manpower required to put one together. The arrangement itself is a work of art and florists literally spend their days designing and wrapping up flowers to make sure that they look aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Good flower arrangements are effortful, and not many have such skills.

In addition, due to the flowers’ delicate nature, they have to be constantly monitored to ensure that they remain fresh and healthy for sale.

Raw Materials Are Imported From Overseas

The flowers themselves are expensive. Many of these flowers are imported from countries globally and have to travel long distances to Singapore for sale. This is because most flowers do not thrive in Singapore’s humid climate. Just to illustrate, Hydrangeas commonly are imported from Columbia, Tulips from Holland and Roses from China or India.

Paying For Convenience

The convenience associated may also be a reason for its high prices. It seems that with minimum effort, we are able to convey what we want to express to the other party with just a bouquet. Gone are the days when couples would design scrapbooks and made photo frames for each other. Take it as you are paying someone extra money to do the work for you. Then maybe the high prices are justified after all.

Flowers Are Aesthetically Pleasing

Perhaps the part that is most attractive to millennials is that the flower bouquets are extremely instagramable, which adds to their appeal and gives it more value.  “Do it for the ‘gram“, is what the young ones would say.

Are There (Equally Good) Alternatives?

Flowers wither over a few weeks and may not be such a practical gift for many of us. By not spending the money on flower bouquets, we open ourselves to more opportunities and experiences. For example, if you or your partner is someone who cherishes quality time, the money can be used to purchase tickets to Gardens By The Bay, where you can take a romantic stroll with your partner and capture moments together with flowers from all over the world.

Alternatively, you can also use the money to get a gift for the other party that will last longer. For example, an engraved watch or a wallet that can be kept close by everywhere he or she goes. These are more practical approaches for those who think that gifting flowers are not.

If Flowers Are Important…

If the person you are buying the flowers for happens to be a flower fanatic that really wants to own flowers, then perhaps, the smarter and practical way is to buy table flower arrangements so that the flowers would have a place at home and not just left at a corner of the house. Flowers in table arrangements are generally priced lower than hand-held flower bouquets which may be due to the inconveniences associated. You won’t really walk around with a vase of flowers after a dinner, right?

If not, buy the cut flowers separately. Arrange them yourself into a bouquet for the other party. Not only is this a cheaper option, the time spent arranging adds meaning to the gift. In Singapore, you can get stalks of flowers at wholesalers such as Far East Orchid, where flowers are sold at affordable prices. At some places, flower customisation may cost a bomb. Doing it yourself saves you money and allows you to be as creative as you want.

This Is A Thorny Issue

As the saying goes, time is money. We may want to consider whether we can afford the time and effort to do something better for the other party before we dismiss the thoughts of gifting flower bouquets due to its practicality issues.

However, looking at how the flower industry continues to bloom in Singapore, there is no doubt that the flowers are here to stay. Perhaps a good way to come to terms with its high price is to think about how much time you can save when you buy one. Of course, if you have some time to spare, then you open yourself up to so many other options.

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