Singapore is seeing a cycling boom, with demand-driven mainly by the pandemic. Right here at DollarsAndSense, our cycling rental article has garnered a steady search volume, especially during the first Phase 2 (Heightened Alert).
While more of us are hitting the parks, some of us might be taking our two-wheelers on the high road or pavements. Besides ensuring that safety is always a priority, cyclists can also help to ensure safer sharing of public walkways or roads. In 2018, the Active Mobility Act (AMA) was established by Land Transport Authority (LTA) to help enforce safety measures for cyclists.
If found breaching these measures, cyclists would be expected to face penalties which include fines and even imprisonment. Here are some common penalties that cyclists may face if they are not careful.
Read Also: Beginner’s Guide To Buying A Foldable Bicycle
#1 Bad Riding Behaviour Such As Using Our Mobile Devices While Riding
First Time Offender Penalty: $1,000 and/or 3 months imprisonment
Subsequent Offences: $2,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment
Similar to riding a vehicle on the road, cyclists have to be focused and aware of their surroundings. Behaviours such as using our mobile devices while riding, not respecting traffic lights, and riding against traffic are some of the offences that are chargeable.
Apart from abiding by traffic rules, ensuring our own safety is also essential. Not being equipped with a proper helmet and riding at night without approved headlights can be hazardous not only for the cyclist but those around them as well. In the month of April, more than 30 cyclists were found to be riding without the appropriate helmets and were issued fines by LTA.
#2 Speeding On Pathway Recklessly
Penalty: $10,000 and/or 12 months imprisonment
An offence not to be taken lightly, speeding accidents can result in fatalities. With more pedestrians (young and old) sharing pavements with cyclists, accidents can happen at any time. Bicycle collision accidents have been on a rise over recent years, which is one of the factors that led to the Government’s acceptance of the AMA panel’s recommendation to disallow brakeless bicycles on public roads.
Apart from reckless riding, going above the prescribed speed on respective public pathways is also chargeable. The current maximum speed allowed on public pathways is 10km/hour. Those that have breached the maximum pathway speed can be fined $2,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment. Repeated offenders are fined $5,000 with/or 12 months imprisonment.
In the event of an accident, cyclists would have to follow through the process of reporting. Failure to do so can result in a penalty of $3,000 and/or 12 months for first-time offenders.
#3 Riding On The Expressway Or Other Prohibited Areas
First Time Offender Penalty: $1,000 and/or 3 months imprisonment
Subsequent Offences: $2,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment
With more road bikers, it is not uncommon to see groups of cyclists on the expressway during non-peak hours. However, cyclists are actually not permitted to ride on Singapore’s expressway. This is to help avoid obstruction and ensure the safety of cyclists.
#4 Ferrying Passengers/Loads Improperly
First Time Offender Penalty: $1,000 and/or 3 months imprisonment
Subsequent Offences: $2,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment
A common sight in parks, some families do go on a cycling expedition while ferrying their children or furry pet companions. While it can be adorable to see a cyclist whizzing past us carrying multiple passengers, this can pose a risk if an accident were to occur. Cyclists should ensure proper passenger seats such as a secure backseat or a proper carriage to tow. However, do note that towing is not allowed on roads.
#5 Not Parking Within Designated Areas
Penalty: $2,000
Cycling is one of the most convenient forms of transport allowing the rider accessibility to both walkways and roads. Regardless, cyclists are encouraged to park their bicycles within designated zones to prevent obstruction.
Additionally, there are appropriate structures in place that makes it easy to secure our bicycles. It would be a win-win situation to park our bicycles in the designated area while keeping pathways free from obstructions.
Read Also: Price Guide For Choosing And Buying Your First Bicycle In Singapore
Essential Public Pathway Etiquettes
As cycling pathways progressively increases under the Singapore Green Plan, these park connector routes would also be shared with pedestrians. Learning to share and accommodate others would help to make public pathways safer for everyone. As a rule of thumb, we can all keep left to the pathways unless we are overtaking.
In general, before peddling out, cyclists should ensure that the bicycle is in working condition with the appropriate lights. We should also regularly test our breaks and our bicycle’s ability to come to a full emergency stop. Aside, having a handy bell to gently alert pedestrians is also essential.
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