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9 Places That Will You Give You A Discount If You Bring Own Container

Save the environment and save money at the same time? Yes!

There is an unfortunate stigma that being eco-friendly is inconvenient, time-consuming and not worth the effort, especially if we can afford that extra 20 cents for a takeaway plastic container at our favourite stall.

The takeaway culture is strong for us Singaporeans. The convenience this affords us seem to far outweigh the plastic waste that builds up in our landfills, since waste contaminated by food cannot be recycled.

The truth is, making little changes over time does make a difference. Not only would greening up your lifestyle habits save the earth, more often than not, they can save you some money too.

The BYO (Bring Your Own) Singapore campaign has made several headlines as a ground-up initiative to encourage people to bring their own reusables and reduce plastic disposable use. By working with retailers, they found ways to encourage customers to bring our own reusables, with incentives and support.

We found 9 places that will give you a discount or other incentives if you brought your own container. Good for the environment, good for you!


We get our coffee fix on the go so often that we take the little (plastic-lined) paper cups for granted. In addition to the coffee chains partnering with BYO, we have Starbucks on the list as well. Browse the list to see how you can save some money on your daily cuppa joe.

#1: Yellow Cup Coffee

Bring your own reusable cup or bottle and get a 10% discount off your beverage.

2 available outlets:

  • 36 Beach Road, #01-01, Singapore 189766
  • 8 Shenton Way, #B1-02, Singapore 068811

#2: Joe & Dough

Bring your own reusable cup or bottle and get 50 cents off your coffee.

9 available outlets:

  • 168 Robinson Road, Level 36, Singapore 068912
  • 16 Collyer Quay, #02-05, Singapore 049318
  • 10 Anson Road, #01-33, Singapore 079903
  • 8 Bishan Place, #02-52, Singapore 579837
  • 5 Stadium Walk, #01-12, Singapore 397693
  • 8A Marina Boulevard, #B2-68/69, Singapore 018984
  • 9 Raffles Boulevard, #01-86, Singapore 039596
  • 277 Orchard Road, #01-10, Singapore 238858
  • 10 Sinaran Drive, #01-156, Singapore 307506

#3: The Exchange

Bring your own reusable cup or bottle and get 50 cents off your takeaway beverage.

Available at their outlet:

  • 8 Marina View, #01-05 Asia Square Tower 1, Singapore 018960

#4: Foreword Coffee

Bring your own reusable cup or bottle to get 10% off all drinks.

Available at their outlet:

  • University Town, NUS, College of Alice & Peter Tan, 8 College Ave East

#5: Starbucks Coffee

Bring your own Starbucks tumbler to fill your drinks and get 50 cents off your drink.

Available at all outlets.


#6: Aloha Poke

Bring your own reusable containers when getting your poke bowls to go and get a free additional superfood worth $1.

Available at all 5 outlets:

  • 92 Amoy Street, Singapore 069911
  • 200 Victoria Street, #04-01, Singapore 188021
  • 8A Marina Boulevard, #B2-46, Singapore 018984
  • 1 Raffles Link, #B1-65, Singapore 039393
  • 30 Raffles Place, #01-34, Singapore 048622

#7: The Lokal Singapore

Bring your own reusable container, cup or bottle for takeaway items and get a $1 discount.

Available at their outlet:

  • 136 Neil Rd, Singapore 088865

#8: Well Dressed Salad Bar

Bring your own reusable cup, bottle, container or even bag, and get 50 cents to 1 dollar off your takeaway orders (depending on the type of reusable you use).

Available at their outlet:

  • 282 South Bridge Road


#9: NTUC Fairprice

Get a 10 cents discount with a minimum of $10 purchase when you bring your own reusable bags.

Available at all of NTUC’s 141 outlets.

While some of us may at times scoff at the nominal 50 cents off your coffee if you bring your own tumbler, imagine if you get a coffee every morning. That can add up to about $15 a month, and $180 a year.

Considering how disposables contaminated by food cannot be recycled, cutting down on single-use plastics and Styrofoam boxes can really make a difference in our environment. So take the time, try it out, save a little extra room in your bag for a reusable cup that will save you a little money, and save the environment in the long run too.

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