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5 reasons to quit your job even if you haven’t found a new one

It’s scary but also something every young person should consider

We are sure the majority of Singaporeans have never contemplated this idea. In our money-hungry and materialistic society, we don’t really have a choice. We have commitments on hand, people to impress and sometimes loved ones to support.

Your friends would literally gawk at you like you’ve gone crazy if you ever did quit without a job. Your relatives may think you are irresponsible. Worst of all, some HR recruiters may even categorise you as a potentially poor hire.

But it’s okay. If you are sick of your job and are thinking of call it quits. You are at the right article. Let’s give you 5 reasons right here today.


1. To start a business

Doing a sideline business is great. But it will never bring in the kind of revenue and profits that would allow you to quit your job. You have to take the risk and just do it. If you fail, so be it. Just don’t go around throwing silly money in the process of doing so.

The last thing you want is to look back 30 years from now and be telling your kids how you had the very same great idea as Mr. ABC, who is now a multi millionaire entrepreneur. If you have a great idea and you think it would work, go for it! Then you would never have to look back and say “if only…”

Here is an article on the attitude that most Singaporeans take towards entrepreneurship. Have a read. You may agree or disagree but you will have an opinion, either way.


2. To not fester from the inside

If you hate your job, and it’s starting to eat you from the inside such that you go to work everyday wishing you were greeted by a nylon rope at the entrance, then its fair to say you should quit right away, even without any back up plans. You need a break – from work, not from life. Remember that.


3. To do basically whatever you wish to

Most of the time, this would turn out to be a hobby you’re very passionate about. Go out there and work at your hobby, even if there is almost zero chance of it ever making you enough money to do it full time. If you like to draw, be an artist. If you like music, teach it. If you like to cook, be a chef. If you like to write, write! Not everyone can afford to work full time at a job that happens to be what he or she loves most, but if you don’t give it a try, how would you ever know?

At the very least, it will bring you great peace of mind and refresh you for whatever comes next.


4. To not hate your next job

You have to have a reason for quitting this current job of your. And you don’t want to make the mistake of taking the next immediate opportunity that comes your way, simply because you want out so badly. It will just end up making you a serial job hopper.

Sometimes, what we need is just a little time to properly sieve through the jobs available and match it to our needs and likes. We then need some time to prepare ourselves adequately for the job interview, and not be stressing ourselves on whether our boss will approve our leave so that we can attend the interview.


5. To upgrade ourselves

Perhaps you have a diploma and want to upgrade for a degree. Maybe you need a year and a half off to pursue your Masters full time. Or even just a few months to complete your part-time MBA, without worrying about the possibility of flunking your final exams.

Most people advance their education level so as to garner better prospect in their career. More likely than not, “better prospect” is likely to be found anywhere else but your current work place, especially if you hate it so much. Hence quitting in advance isn’t actually that big a deal. Especially since the value of an education is “hottest” when you just graduate and will diminish over time.


What are your reasons?

There you have it. 5 reasons you should quit your job even if you don’t have another job lined up at the moment. The list is not exhaustive, and we are sure there are many more reasons to resign without having a back-up plan in mind. Really, it’s not the end of the world.

Tell us your story. Why you quit, whether you had a job in hand when you did so, and if you ever regretted the decision? It could just go into our next article on why Singaporeans quit their jobs!



This article was written for and first appeared on

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