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How The Self-Employed, Entrepreneurs And Freelancers Can Save For Retirement

Financial planning like a boss.

An estimated 14% of workforce in Singapore are working for themselves as self-employed, entrepreneurs or freelancers.

This means that they do not benefit from “automatic” Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions, which makes it even more important for them to start planning and saving for their retirement. Having regular savings is  critical especially when their monthly income can vary greatly.

Here are 3 ways you can start to prepare for your retirement, today.

  • Set A Retirement Date; And Save Towards It
  • Utilise CPF For Your Retirement Savings
  • Building Your Savings/Emergency Funds

Read Also: Retirement In Singapore: Calculating How Much Do You Really Need

Watch this video to learn how you can start your retirement plan.

Read More: How The Self-Employed, Entrepreneurs And Freelancers Can Save For Retirement

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