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5 Instagram Accounts You Should Follow To Learn More About Personal Finance

Scrolling through your Instagram feed can be (financially) rewarding when you follow these personal finance-related accounts.

Instagram is the go-to place for most of us to find out about the latest happenings around the topics we care about – visually. For some people, that could mean learning about the newest cafes that opened days ago or the latest fashion piece that we can purchase. Do you know that there are also many Instagram accounts that help you learn more about personal finance, one finance hack at a time?

To get you started with getting some useful content in your daily Instagram feed, here are 5 inspiring Instagram accounts that you should definitely follow to gain more insights on how to be wiser about your money.

# 1 Your Financial Architect (@yourfinancialarchitect)

If you enjoy reading content that is light-hearted and witty, you should definitely check out @yourfinancialarchitect. People who are a huge fan of memes and consistent design layouts would love this Instagram account. The account was founded by Reena Goh, with the intention of creating content that is mainly catered to youths. Their main goal is to educate youths to start making good financial decisions in the early stages of their lives in order to receive a better payout in the future.

# 2 CPF Board (@cpf_board)

As Singaporeans, you are probably well aware of the term CPF and how this saving scheme would be beneficial for you in the long run. @cpf_board provides various local content that many Singaporeans can easily relate to. If you were expecting rigid and dull information from this account, you’d be pleasantly surprised. CPF Board provides bite-sized details in the form of aesthetically pleasing designs for their followers. When dry content is presented in such a unique way, suddenly financial literacy seems attainable.

# 3 Seedly (@seedly_app)

The ShopBack subsidiary Seedly has an Instagram feed (@seedly_app) that summarises financial articles into easily-digestible forms. Catering to both the older crowd and youths, they use creative concepts such as displaying the increment of GST in the form of a lottery ticket to garner the attention of their older target audience. Who knew that finance related topics could be portrayed in such an interesting manner? If you’re interested to read more, Seedly also links you directly to their article that would provide more details and information on the topic.

# 4 Clever Girl Finance (@clevergirlfinance)

Standing as one of the most popular financial accounts on Instagram, @clevergirlfinance has a significant amount of influence with nearly 64.4k followers. This account is specially designed to encourage women to take charge of their own financial choices and to embark on a debt free journey. You can expect to see more female related content in this account, with daily encouragement and personal stories sharing how people can clear incurred debts and loans. If you’re hesitating long and hard on a financial decision, hop over to Clever Girl Finance for some wise tips and advice.

# 5 The Finance Bar (@thefinancebar)

This space provides thought-provoking questions that will be sure to make you reflect on your money decisions, in a good way. @thefinancebar is a popular Instagram account that provides motivational and educational content for those who are financially illiterate. We all start somewhere, and this feed is as good a place as any. The content posted can make you ponder about last purchase or financial decision. It is a good source of motivation for those of us who need a little positive reminder on how to keep our finances in check.

There’s More Out There

This list can surely go on. For instance, you’re welcome to follow our DollarsAndSense Instagram feed (@dnssingapore).

We hope that this introduction opened your eyes to content of a different kind on Instagram. if you can incorporate learning about personal finance into your daily routine, then you’re more likely to actually follow through with it on a regular basis!

Listen to our podcast, where we have in-depth discussions on finance topics that matter to you.

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