If you are looking for an alternative stock comparison website to SGX’s stockfacts, luck may be on your side. One of our friends, along with his team, has created a website called stockflock.co which allows you to search for local companies and churns out a string of easy to understand graphs for analysis.
How StockFlock works
After you type in your search for a particular company, you will be directed to a page where you can find the necessary information and graphs. A picture speaks a thousand words, so I will allow the pictures to do most of the talking here.
While the front page may have provided some company details including stock price and market capitalization, we think that it doesn’t relate to what ordinary stock investors are looking for and perhaps improvements such an introduction to the company (like what it does) and a share price chart will probably be more useful in this case.
And if you scroll to the bottom, you can view competitors of your originally selected company. With that, many popular metrics like price-earnings ratios, earnings growth and dividend yields will be made available (like the charts above).
Clicking on the “other details” icon at the top right of the site will allow you to examine other financial highlights from the company’s income statement and/or balance sheet! You can now compare which company is able to consistently produce higher profit margins or how the management has performed in terms of the different ratios in place.
Some final words
In short, we think that this website aids beginner investors to avoid spending precious time reading chunks of financial jargon and words. In its place, StockFlock delivers key financial data in a sleek and easily-digestible graph layout that is pleasing to the eye.
Nonetheless, StockFlock has much room to improve and it can even up the ante by introducing industry statistics, company announcements and even write-ups and interviews with companies in the near future. With that said, do check it out for yourself at StockFlock.co and give your feedback on other improvements you might wish to see on the site!
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