One obstacle that companies meet when trying to embrace new technologies or change the way they do business is the difficulty in hiring people with the right skills. It is well-known how difficult it is to fill vacancies in areas like software development, digital marketing, or financial services.
To help bridge this gap for in-demand skills, Workforce Singapore (WSG) has in place a comprehensive Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) that companies can tap on for funding and certification support when they send new or existing hires through the programme.
Here’s what companies need to know to take advantage of this scheme.
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What Are Professional Conversion Programmes (PCPs)?
Professional Conversion Programmes (PCPs) are structured training programmes aimed at helping Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs), including mid-career switchers, acquire hands-on skills with the goal of moving into a new job role or sector with better prospects.
There are three types of PCPs:
Place-and-Train: PMET is newly-hired by an employer before being sent for training, and then returns to take on their new job role.
Redeployment: Long-serving PMET who is at risk of redundancy is sent by their employer for training, and then return to take on new job roles within the same company.
Attach-and-Train: PMET goes for training and work attachments with industry partners in growth sectors, before securing any job placement.
Depending on the programme and job requirements, PCPs can be as short as 3 months, to as long as 24 months.
The following PCP funding support for applicants registering under Place-and-Train and Redeployment will be paid to employers:
Source: PCP Factsheet, Workforce Singapore
While the following PCP funding support will be given to applicants registering under Attach-and-Train:
Source: PCP Factsheet, Workforce Singapore
Range Of Professional Conversion Programmes Available
As of writing, there are more than 100 PCPs for PMETs to utilise to aid in their career conversion efforts, spanning the six main clusters of Manufacturing, Built Environment, Trade and Connectivity, Essential Domestic Services, Modern Services and Lifestyle.
All PCPs are aligned with the 23 Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) that guide the evolution of Singapore’s economy.
To ensure relevance, the PCP framework and contents are developed in consultation with sectoral agencies and industry partners, and are reviewed regularly.
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Eligibility Criteria For Individuals And Companies Wishing To Enrol In PCPs
Eligibility criteria for individuals are as follows:
– Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident
– At least 21 years of age
– Must have graduated/completed National Service (whichever later) at least two years prior to date of PCP application
New hires have further requirements:
– Must not be hired for more than three months
– Must not be in the same job role prior to joining the PCP
– Cannot be a shareholder/related to owners of company applying for the PCP, or its related companies
– Cannot be immediate ex-staff of company applying for PCP or its related companies
Companies wishing to tap on PCP need to adhere to these criteria:
– Registered or incorporated in Singapore
– Ensure new hires are not shareholders/related to owners/immediate ex-staff of the company, or related companies
– Must offer a full-time PMET position for at least 1 year, in a role directly related to PCP training at a salary aligned with market rate
– Commit to work with WSG and appointed Programme Manager on necessary PCP administrative matters
– Commit to PCP training arrangements for trainees
Furthermore, there may be course-specific requirements for individual PCPs, such as basic pre-requisite knowledge. You can refer to the particular PCP pages you’re interested in for more details.
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Tap On PCP To Reskill And Upskill Yourself And Your Team
Individuals who want to apply for a PCP for themselves can visit the Workforce Singapore PCP website and be shortlisted for interview by participating employers before embarking on their training.
Companies that wish to tap on PCP to send new or existing hires for reskilling can also visit the Workforce Singapore PCP website or contact the relevant PCP programme partners (like e2i) for more information.
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